Volunteers and student placements
The TSC welcomes volunteers.

The TSC relies on volunteers to help in the front office to greet clients and directing them to the appropriate services; we also rely on volunteers to assist with our social groups. The TSC works hard to create opportunities for community members to connect with the centre in a volunteer capacity and to assist with service delivery. The TSC has been very fortunate over the years to have engaged some very talented and passionate volunteers.
If you are interested in volunteering at the centre or have an idea for a social group, please contact the centre.
In addition to the successful volunteer program the TSC also hosts student placements for those members of the community undertaking further study. The TSC has hosted a number of placements over the years which has proved beneficial to the student, the centre and the wider community through increased capacity.
The TSC believes that hosting student placements is a key role of community based human service organisations. By hosting student placements, the TSC works to improve service delivery and positively contribute to the education, training and development of the next generation of human services workers.
All volunteers and student placements must hold a Suitability to work with young people Blue Card.