
The Tully Support Centre is a not for profit organisation and to build the capacity of the services and the programs we provide we rely on our community to support us to support them.

The Tully Support Centre welcomes one off donations large or small to help us achieve this.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible, being a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsed organisation means that the Tully Support Centre (TSC) can accept donations from individuals and businesses and supply them a tax deductible receipt.

In this way by helping the support centre you are receiving a deduction for your income tax. Everyone’s finances are different so it is important that you speak to your account or financial advisor about minimising your tax liability and the best way to do that.

If you or your business would like to make a regular donation through sponsorship please contact your financial advisor and the Tully Support Centre to see how you can help us help our community.

Stays locally and helps locally

There are so many worthwhile organisations to make donations to around the country and around the world. By making a donation to the TSC your donation stays in our community and goes directly to helping our community.

No Administration Fee

Unlike some other organisations the Tully Support Centre does not take an administration fee from your donation. Every cent you donate goes directly to helping the community and the program you choose.

And no donation to the Tully Support Centre goes to staff wages!

Choose what program you want to make the donation to

When I donate I like to know exactly what my hard earned money is going to and by making my donation what am I helping to achieve.

When you donate to the TSC you can decide exactly what your donation is used for, it is very important that you are confident that your hard earned money is doing exactly what you would like it to do.

You can make donations directly to the Youth Centre; Emergency Relief program; Art and Craft Group; Community Events or BBQ’s like the Australia Day fun Day, Tully’s Big Sleep Out, Trivia Nights, Youth Week activities, the Gumboot Festival. Anything the TSC runs or is a part of.

Making a Regular Donation

Some people choose to have a small amount deducted from their pay each week as part of their Salary Sacrifice to donate to their favourite charity or community group, speak to your employer, your financial advisor or your accountant if you would like to make a regular donation to the TSC.

Small Business and Corporate Donations

The Tully Support Centre receives good support from our community; we have seen that many of the things we do and the small businesses who put up their hand to donate to make those things happen. If your business would like to make a donation to the centre please contact the centre. We would like to include all of our major sponsor’s details on the site as our way of saying thank you.

Shop locally and support locally

Whenever possible the TSC ensures purchases are made locally, our catchment area covers communities from Kurrimine Beach to Cardwell, and we try and spread the money around as best we can.

If we can’t source what we need locally we always try and stay close to home and buy Australian made. The Cassowary coast is our community and our home, whenever possible please try and support local businesses. The money you spend locally grows our communities and provides a better future for our children.

Tully Support Centre