Information, Advice and Referral

A core role of the TSC is to provide information about services available to the community by the TSC and other organisations both government and non-government.

Information, Advice and Referral

The TSC operates under a “No wrong door” policy, which means when a client connects with a TSC support worker for an issue if it is not something that we can immediately assist with we will endeavour to find the right information and service that can.

Information, Advice and Referral services are funded by the Queensland Government.


The TSC support staff are able to advocate on your behalf to other services, government bodies, local council, insurance companies, or for rental and financial issues.

Our staff will support you in ensuring your rights as a member of the community are upheld.

Client Advocacy is funded by the Queensland Government.

General Support

The TSC support staff are here to help with any issue you need help with. The TSC support staff can give you the tools and support to cope with any of life’s events. Sometimes it is hard when you have a lot of things to cope with to make sense of it all and find a sense of direction.

Our support staff can help you break the issues down into manageable tasks and get you heading in the right direction again. By giving you these tools we seek to empower you to be better able to cope in the future. We can also offer help in completing some tasks to help take the pressure off.

General Support is funded by the Queensland Government.

Tully Support Centre