Funding Bodies

The Tully Support Centre acknowledges the ongoing financial support of the following funding bodies and government agencies.

Purpose of Funding

The purpose of Targeted Family Support services is to support vulnerable children, young people (unborn to 18) and their families. Family Support services:

  • Improve the wellbeing and safety of children, young people and their families.
  • Help preserve families.
  • Prevent entry or re-entry to the statutory child protection system.

Service Delivery Model

The Tully Support Centre Family Support Service provides support to individuals and families with children aged 0 – 18 years. It promotes the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and improves family functioning.

The service works with family members, those who are parenting, whole families, and community groups in relation to families with children and young people who find themselves in vulnerable situations.

The service operates under a Case Management model of service delivery which will regularly review the needs, goals, actions and outcomes for clients. Support staff balance and co-ordinate their caseload, including programs and activities undertaken, having regard to the level of intervention required so that clients are prioritised accordingly. Where necessary, clients are referred to other services, both internally and externally, for specialist support or assistance. Duration of support provided is determined by individual client need. All services, including outreach where required, are provided at no cost to clients.

Initiative-level Service Elements

This service:

  • Uses a variety of strategies to engage hard-to-reach families, in particular Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
  • Participates in existing networks and/or establish and maintain networks and partnerships within the local community and with a broad range of targeted and universal services.

The Tully Support Centre provides the following services individuals, families and communities within the catchment area.

  • Information, advice and referral services,
  • Crisis intervention,
  • Strength based Case management;
  • Crisis counselling,
  • Medium term counselling to 13 weeks,
  • Emergency Relief program
  • Individual Life skills program, building resilience of families,
  • Link clients with positive social interaction and inclusion opportunities within the community.

Purpose of Funding Statement

The purpose of the Community Support Service funding is to provide a non-stigmatising pathway to access universal community support services and an entry point to more targeted support services as required, within the targeted community.

Service Delivery Model

The Community Support Service will respond to the identified and emergent needs of the local community with a priority on vulnerable individuals, families and populations.

The Community Support Service will integrate with the broader service system and actively promote community engagement and connectedness. Service delivery will be flexible and culturally inclusive providing a range of community and centre-based activities that best meet the identified needs of vulnerable individuals and families.

Community support provided by the service will include a balanced mix of quality programs, and activities that build skills, provide knowledge, promote personal and social development, promote physical well-being, and create and sustain local networks.

Initiative-level Service Elements

This service;

  • provides universal access for the community with a focus on vulnerable individuals, families and populations.
  • supports access to more targeted services for vulnerable children, young people and families.
  • responds to the identified and emergent needs of the local community.
  • provides integrated and coordinated responses as part of the local service system.
  • provides a mixed balance of programs, services and activities including information, advice and referrals.
  • provides community / community centre-based development and support activities.
  • promotes community engagement and connectedness.
  • provides cultural group development activities.
  • provides community education activities that promote public awareness of social issues.
  • coordinates and support volunteers to deliver universal services such as information, advice and referral.
  • participates in networks and support network development.
Australian Government

The Tully Support Centre is funded to provide Centrelink Agent Services to our community.

Centrelink Agents Role

The TSC employs a Centrelink support worker to assist community members in accessing Department of Human Services payments and services. The department offers a range of health, social and welfare payments and services through:

Medicare which looks after the health of Australians through the efficient delivery of programs such as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register and the Australian Organ Donor Register.

Centrelink which delivers a range of payments and services for retirees, the unemployed, families, carers, parents, people with disabilities, Indigenous Australians, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and provides services at times of major change.

Child Support which provides support to separated parents to provide the financial and emotional support necessary for their children’s wellbeing.

CRS Australia which provides disability employment services to help people with a disability, injury or health condition to get or keep a job, and help their employers to keep their workplaces safe.

Australian Hearing is one of the largest hearing service providers in the world and is dedicated to helping people manage their hearing impairment so they have a better quality of life. Australian Hearing provides a full range of hearing services for children and young people up to the age of 26, eligible adults and aged pensioners, and most war veterans.

The Centrelink Support Worker can assist you in filling in forms, certifying identification and registering and accessing self-service online. The Department of Human Services provides phone, computer, internet and fax facilities for community members to access.

Tully Support Centre