Open Hearts

A shelter for Queensland, built in Tully, providing 24/7 wrap around support when women and children escaping domestic and family violence need it most.
The lack of crisis-shelter capacity across Queensland forces women and children to choose between becoming trapped victim-survivors forced to stay in a violent relationship, or ending up in unsupported and unsafe accommodation costing Queensland over $200 a night.
Open Hearts will provide women and children safe and secure accommodation, along with 24/7 support, to break the cycle of violence for approximately half the cost per night.
Help us make Open Hearts a reality by signing our petition.
Emergency Help and Support
Call Triple Zero (000) and ask for Police if you are in a dangerous or life-threatening situation.
For more information about domestic and family violence or to access support, call DVConnect on 1800 811 811 or 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
Online support
DVConnect: Domestic and family violence help in Queensland
DVConnect Mensline: A helpline for men in Queensland
Queensland Government: Need to know | Queensland Government
TSC Cassowary Coast Domestic and Family Violence Service: Cassowary Coast Domestic and Family violence Service (CCDFVS) | Tully Support Centre

A DFV Reality
The lack of crisis-shelters across Queensland contributes to the continuation of gender-based violence against women and children.
1 in 2 young men who grow up in violent homes are more likely to become perpetrators of violence against women and children.
Almost 60% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have experienced DFV.
However, half of all women and children escaping DFV in Australia are turned away due to a lack of shelters. As a result, many women will return to the violent relationship or choose not to leave in the first place.
Open Hearts will:
- Construct a welcoming, safe and secure facility providing supported accommodation for women, and their children, escaping DFV.
- Provide 24/7 best practice services, ensuring the safety and well-being of women and children when they need it most.
- Accommodate singles as well as mothers and their children.
- Incorporate therapeutic and self-exploration areas, such as healing gardens, green spaces, and quiet areas.
- Be respectful of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and the impacts of dispossession, cultural loss and intergenerational trauma.
- Contribute to the goal of ending gender-based violence against women and children within a generation.
The effects of DFV are felt long after the violence occurs across our community, including through police and courts, housing, drug and alcohol services, education, employments assistance, social services and child protection amongst many others.
Open Hearts exists to break the cycle of relationship violence and equip victims-survivors with the skills and resources to keep themselves and their children safe from harm.
Open Hearts Model
While the overall capacity of the facility is designed to increase over time, a preferred initial operational capacity of 30 victim-survivors and their children, totalling 84 residents per night, has been identified.
The Central Complex provides administration, security and counselling services supports three different accommodation types designed to the meet the needs of each victim-survivor and child.
Crisis accommodation (12 units) will be located adjacent to the central complex, for enhanced security and support. It will contain communal facilities, high quality meals, and a pantry and cold storage enable residents to prepare meals for themselves and their children.
Short-term accommodation (18 units) will be located along paths from the central complex amongst landscaped gardens and green spaces. Each unit contains private space and cooking facilities, to aid the re-establishment of routines and parental bonds.
Transitional accommodation, although not included under the initial proposal, will support fully autonomous residents nearing the end of their Open Hearts Journey.

The Open Hearts journey
While everyone’s journey will be different, Open Hearts has been specifically designed to meet individual needs, preserve self-efficacy and individual dignity.
Open Hearts provides a path forward for victim-survivors (and their children) coping with significant physical and emotional trauma (Survive); give them the time, space and resources to heal (Revive) and provide support to embrace their future (Thrive).
Show your support
Scan the QR Code, or click here, and sign our petition. Your business, club or organisation can provide a letter of support to
Register your interest as an Open Hearts volunteer. There will be opportunities for volunteers to contribute to the success of Open Hearts (subject to strict guidelines).
Where to from here?
Following the completion of the feasibility study, the Tully Support Centre (TSC) will work with the State and Federal Governments to secure funding to implement the project. From funding announcement, the Preliminary Planning, Detailed Design, Construction and Commissioning stages are expected to take 18-24 months.
The TSC is committed to ongoing community consultation throughout the development and implementation of Open Hearts. This will include community workshops, information stands, community surveys and the development of a community-based project advisory committee.
Open Hearts has been a strategic goal of the TSC since 2009.