Department of Human Services Agent
The TSC employs a Centrelink support worker to assist community members in accessing Department of Human Services payments and services.
The department offers a range of health, social and welfare payments and services through:
Medicare: which looks after the health of Australians through the efficient delivery of programs such as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register and the Australian Organ Donor Register.

Centrelink: which delivers a range of payments and services for retirees, the unemployed, families, carers, parents, people with disabilities, Indigenous Australians, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and provides services at times of major change.
Child Support: which provides support to separated parents to provide the financial and emotional support necessary for their children’s wellbeing.
Australian Hearing: is one of the largest hearing service providers in the world and is dedicated to helping people manage their hearing impairment so they have a better quality of life. Australian Hearing provides a full range of hearing services for children and young people up to the age of 26, eligible adults and aged pensioners, and most war veterans.

The Centrelink Support Worker can assist you in filling in forms, certifying identification and registering and accessing self-service online. The Department of Human Services provides phone, computer, internet and fax facilities for community members to access.
Centrelink support hours are 9 -1 & 2 – 4 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday; and 9 -1 Tuesday.
The Centrelink Support worker is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Human Services.